Being healthy and fit takes a lot of work. In order to achieve your fitness goals, it would require tons of discipline and patience. With all the temptations around(FOOD! hahaha)and with the busy schedules, starting my journey to fitness would be very difficult.
Finding time to exercise is hard specially if you are a busy person but of course if you want to achieve something and get that great body figure that you have always wanted you have to push yourself hard and push yourself to your limits or maybe more. Ofcourse, If there’s a will, there’s a way. You have to start somewhere right?!
Did you know that your everyday activities can burn calories and considered as exercise as well such as walking, cleaning the foor, climbing the stairs and many more.
Rey of, and I used to be a member of Fitness First about more than a year ago at their Megamall branch. But since we are passport holders, we were able to go at any Fitness First Philippines branches(except the Platinum branches) and do our 3x a week workout.
I must admit that Fitness First Philippines really helped me a lot in losing my excess fats and it taught me the discipline that I needed in order to achieve my fitness goal little by little, step by step. When I think about it, I really miss the GEx classes, my personal routine workouts, and the SAUNA!… Oh! how I love their steam sauna.
Fitness First, stands by the fact that exercise is essential to one’s health and that having a hectic lifestyle is no excuse not to get fit. That is why Fitness First created freestyle areas in their clubs which allow you to exercise and move with purpose. These freestyle areas will focus on dynamic movement training which will challenge one’s muscles in multiple directions, combining as many muscle groups as possible to challenge you and get you moving in the way nature intended.
Fitness First Philippines recently organized an event at the Bonifacio High Street Activity Center in Global City Taguig entitled “Push Your Limits”. The objective of this event was to show how exercise can be incorporated in everyday tasks and without the need for exercise machines. Too bad I’m not wearing a strechable jeans that’s why I wasn’t able to participate. Maybe next time 🙂
Four different fitness areas were set-up to test one’s strength, endurance, flexibility, and speed in a very fun and engaging way. Participants got the chance to see how they measured up against what an average person could accomplish. All the challenges were performed under the expert guidance of Fitness First Fitness Instructors.And what’s more exciting, Fitness First Philippines gave away special prizes to those who completed the challenges and for those who tried as well :). For every fitness challenge completed, the participant will received a raffle entry for a chance to win free 3-month memberships. Free health checks were made available to all guests as well.
To test speed, participants were engaged in drills using the agility ladder. This is the most effective tool for training speed and improving footwork.
For endurance, participants were asked to lift shopping bags progressively being filled with weights after every round. This type of weight training workout improves your ability to do everyday chores such as carrying a bag of groceries or lifting your young child.
Participants were also tested how strong they were by the number of times they could flip large tires. The entire body needs to be engaged when you flip the tire, which is perfect for improving over-all strength and conditioning.
Lastly, participants were asked to accomplish a series of progressive Vinyasa poses. Vinyasa has both mental and physical benefits, synchronized breathing relaxes the mind and the movements significantly improve flexibility.
But more than just participating in the challenges, Fitness First Philippines encouraged the participants to push their limits, to try and exceed what their bodies could normally endure. Most came to realize the importance of including exercise as part of their regular routine and that exercise can be fun and can be done anytime without the need for exercise machines.
You may visit any Fitness First Philippines branch to learn more about Freestyle or go to their website at
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